Kele Xu

  • Associate Professor, State Key Laboratory of Complex & Critical Software Environment (NUDT), China.
  • I am currently seeking self-motivated master's, Ph.D., intern students, and postdoctoral fellows.
  • [Recent News] - [Brief Bio] - [Research Interests] - [Academic Services] - [Awards] - [Selected Publications]

    Recent News:

    Brief Bio:

    I have received my Ph.D. degree from Université Pierre et Marie CURIE, Paris, France [Link], worked with Prof. Bruce Denby and Prof. Gerard Dreyfus (IEEE Fellow). My current research interests include Multimodal Machine Learning and Software Engineering. I am also interested in the applications of machine learning for audio signal processing, speech processing.

    During my part-time, I am a competition-driven researcher. I have won many data mining / machine learning competitions during last years, including ACM KDD Cup [Link], Kaggle [Link], Tianchi [Link] and CCF BDCI (CCF Big Data Computing Intelligence Contest). I am also a Kaggle Grandmaster [Link].

    Research Interests:

    Academic Services:

    Selected competitions awards:

    Selected Publications:

    Preprint & to appear:








    Before 2019:

    Other Resources: